First / Last Mile
Meinhardt have developed a First / Last Mile Assessment (FLMA) methodology that analyses the connectivity of mobility networks as part of a city scale masterplan project. This methodology informs optimum locations for modal corridors and land use parcels to meet the objective of creating a new and sustainable city that couples first / last mile with the 20-minute (or less) city principle.
First / Last Mile helps illustrate the connectivity between origins and destinations. Information gathered can be further analysed to identify route densities and the level of connectivity.
By identifying spatial connectivity of a transportation network, we can identify where interventions need to be focused to improve sustainable travel. Using an existing or proposed network is used as the basis to understand potential movements of people, based on land use / purpose origins.
FLMA can also be used to assess soft mobility transport networks where there is no interchanging between modes or where origins and destinations are within a reasonable distance.
This methodology then assesses the interactions of links and nodes by identifying where there is intersection between the First and Last Mile of a trip chain to:
- Identify areas within the network to focus investments / interventions for sustainable travel, where there would be greatest catchment for various land uses
- Identify optimum location for new development within existing mobility networks
- Identify routes that are likely to cater for high walking and cycling movements
- Identify routes that are likely to offer the greatest soft mobility travel demand, based on journey purposes. Provides a method for creating a high-level assessment of demand, for all modes, based on little data